
Friday, April 24, 2009

Freaky Find Me Friday

I love looking at my Google Analytics reports and seeing the search terms people used to find my site. Hence - Freaky Find Me Friday. Here are some gems before I show you my glitter baby!!

Search terms that led people to Understand Blue!

Flip flops slippery
Laziness syndrome
Mr. Fruity
Mo Bettah Blues
Pimp my search in blue
Fruity Friday
Michael Jordan President
Winkos 4
Madagascar Circus
Jelly quest
Rat fairy
Toile dirty
Why is important to laugh

Now - one more important topic. MY CAT DOES NOT HAVE HAIR LOSS!!!!

Look. I got those kittens when they were four weeks old when Satan threw them out on the side of the road. At that point, they didn't have very much fur. Almost none on their bellies. Did YOU have fur on your belly when you were four weeks old?? I don't think so. Whether you do now or not is your business. (heh heh)

Since then they both grew a nice coat of extremely short hair. Maddies sort of feels like rabbit fur, and Splotchy's is very smooth like he is a little horse.

However, when I took Maddie Bat to the vet for little bites on her ears (Dang it Splotch!!) the vet tech said - "Oh - are you talking about that hair loss?" I almost bit that woman!! So I giggled when I read the mohawk comment the other day because I knew exactly what you guys were talking about!

She just has very white skin and black fur. All kitties have thin hair in front of their ears. She's very vain, and so no, she doesn't have a mohawk, (although, now I'm sorta tempted to give them both one. That would be adorable!!) she's not balding, she is a supremely beautiful little creature and would like for everyone to admit she is cat beauty pageant material!!

Can you IMAGINE a cat pageant?? All of them rolling all over the stage chewing their bikinis off?? HA! Can someone get that going?

Back to glitter baby. First, you need to take your baby (this is my Doodle Factory baby) and cover her blankie with glue. Now I think toothpicks are disgusting. Except the kind that we used to dip in cinnamon oil when I was a kid. FLASHBACK! Anyway, someone brought a box of those gross plastic toothpicks to a party like 10 years ago and I've never known what to do with them until I needed to glitter my baby. You can push the glue around really precisely with these.

Then, sprinkle your pink Stampin' Up! chunky glitter on the baby and let her sleep for a bit!

While you're doing that, use your Big Shot Matchbox die to make a matchbox out of Pink Pirouette DSP and Chocolate Chip cardstock. Stamp the Oh Baby! greeting in Chocolate Chip on Pirouette Pink and punch it out with your 1.75" punch. Tie your Chocolate Chip grograin ribbon around the box and attach the little glittery baby medallion with dimensionals. Eat two mini Twix leftover from Easter. Put two in the matchbox.

Take a picture.

Eat the Twix. :)

Wouldn't that be a cute gift for someone having twins???

Happy Freaky Find Me Friday!!!


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  1. You tell Maddie that we think she's just beautiful. And personally, even though I have very white skin, if I see a black hair in a stray place - I pluck it out! (That's the problem with those magnifying mirrors with the lights on them... you wouldn't believe what hairs you see on your face! Where did they come from? Yuck!) So she looks fabulous just the way she is.

    Love the glitter baby too. I especially like the instructions of eating two of the mini Twix, then putting two in the matchbox, take the picture, and eat the last two!! That is SO what I would do!

    Happy Friday!

  2. Lydia,

    So funny about the Twix bars, especially since my mom gave me two full size twix bars for Easter. She still thinks I am a kid I guess. They are definately gone already.

    Cute project with the cute little doodlebug baby.

    Maddie is absolutely gorgeous, tell her I said so, and then give her a kiss on her head for me. Splotchy too, I know how sisters get jealous. Tee Hee.

    Lisa A.

  3. Hahaha! Winkos! The cousins to Mentos! that was great!
    Poor Maddie-hope she hissed at that vet, some people have no idea that our litle fur babies have EARS too! duh!
    kisses to the kitties and thanks for sharing your adorable glitter baby!
    your Momster wearing follower(well, when it gets here anyway),
    Elizabeth :)

  4. are you telling me that you knew where to go to get the toothpicks you've had hangin' around your cupboard for 10 years since that party? THAT is impressive! the glittered baby blanket is cute too.

    did you change the ribbon? in one it's a bow; after the twix eating episode, it appears to be just a square knot. inquiring minds that are avoiding other things they have to do want to know.

  5. What are these "left over Twix" you speak of? In my house we have "no, I don't know where your Twix are" (as we scarf them down ourselves) Twix.

    Too cute on the glittery baby!

  6. Can I steal this idea of "how people find me?" I always look at that on my blog stats and think it is so weird what people search for. You know what they say-- someone copying you is flattering... or something like that.
    and YUM going to raid the easter basket leftovers for Twix, am I allowed to eat them even if I haven't made the card?


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