
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Superbowl Contest, Sneak Peek and Webinar Updates

Lots going on. I am procrastinating, so I thought I'd entertain you.

How would a crafter pick the winner of the Superbowl this year? Hmm... I've got theories. But instead of just telling you that theory - how about a contest?

Here's what we'll do. I want you to come up with a theory of how a crafter would pick the winner of the Superbowl based ONLY on these two logos. Get creative! Whoever makes me laugh the hardest or guesses MY pick for the winner based upon just the logos will win their choice of the memo pad holder, the silk pencil case or a paper sampler from Leadership! As a bonus, if you get my exact theory and not just the winner, you will win TWO of these items. Ooohh - aaaahhh. Deadline - Kickoff!! Leave your answer in a comment.

Okay, on to a sneak peek!

This is a tiny peek at what will be going on in my Cyber Club next weekend. Have you joined yet? You better!!! I will never reveal these projects on my blog, so this is your only chance!! I have opened additional clubs for February. You can read the details here, and see another sneak peek here.

Finally - I don't know why the organizers of the Superbowl do not check my webinar calendar, but obviously tomorrow was a poor choice!

If you want to join the Google Reader Webinar that will now be on Monday, February 2 at 8 PM CST, then see my sidebar to register! In this webinar you will learn to use Google Reader to organize all your fave blogs, get rid of all your email subscriptions and bookmarks and retrieve your favorite posts by keywords you choose - FOREVER. Nothing is stored on your hard drive so you will never lose your card ideas or have to keep them in a word document again.

If you want to attend my webinar on setting up your own blog - see my sidebar to register for that - there are several options. The first person who signs up gets to have me set up their blog for them as the example on the webinar!

I am playing with the Texturz plates today so I will post some of my experiments tomorrow.

Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :)

Want to see my other blog?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sabre Tooth Peeping Lemurs say Goodbye to CHA

So I get home and I don't know what happened when I was gone, but the cats have quadrupled in size or been replaced by Sabre Toothed Lemurs. I know you think I made that animal up, but look - imagine a huge cat, with giant teeth, fierce claws and a very long tail that can hop up to the top of the shower and peep down at me in a heartbeat. That's what my house is infested with. It's really pretty scary when you think about it. The beasts missed me though. Splotchy stretched his giant heavy carcass across my trachea and Maddie slept under my knees with her little head hanging off the side of the bed all night.

So, before we say goodbye to CHA, a card. This simple little ditty is a combination of Trendy Trees and Branch Out. To me it has the look of some of those adorable tiny Amuse creations by Julie Ebersole. That chick is in every white card I make!! The leaves of the tree are Sahara Sand, and the bird is real red, outlined in black for definition. U like?
Now, onto the last pics from CHA. Don't forget to check out Lisa's blog - she got some great pics of Graphic 45.
This picture is the lamp on our table at dinner the last night. I thought it was sweet.
Here is my oil painting from my class in the Bob Ross method. I finally learned to paint clouds!!
These posts were hard but I finally got them.
Lookie - Clouds!!! Why were those so hard before?
If you ever get the chance to take a class using the Bob Ross method - you have to. You will not believe the things you will be able to do by the end. This class took two hours and this is the result!Here's Donna Dewberry (the one stroke painting genius) with my sister and a painting she did for my mom.
This bracelet is made from Friendly Plastic!!! It looks like something that would go for $500 in Santa Fe!
More Friendly Plastic. I have no idea how they did this - no one was demonstrating on the times I passed by. Maybe its online somewhere.

Okay - am I the only one who is confused by this sign? Has Texas become a republic again, hence the need for importation of beads? I like "Wholesales" also.
Hey - have you seen this? It is a big marker with a blade in it. So you can cut out shapes that are pre-outlined. It's from Elmer's.
I sure could have used a riding cooler myself. This thing BLAZED - it goes like 10 miles an hour. You can put 300 pounds on the seat, and a pitcher of margaritas in the cooler - I Googled it. $800. Brilliant. Click here for deets.
Look at this cool Buffalo
You paint it with a brass stencil in black. Then leave the stencil there and apply crackle. Wow. Then she colored it with ink. I really liked it white. What a great stencil.
I forgot the name of this technique, but it's Japanese, and it's a way to make a ball out of yarn - a ball that would bounce that kids would play with. Then they would decorate them so they would know whose was whose. It was fascinating to watch.
Ooh - decorative packing tape!! Great colors and designs!!

I thought Maya Road had brilliant and efficient packaging.
OMG - Maddie has a woving company!!!
Look at her beautiful woving. I'm sure it makes great pom poms in addition to the artwork shown here.
ooh - fun fish bag!!!

Okay - now for something I would NOT buy. This is the new motorized Big Shot. It's WAY too loud, MHO. All you midnight stampers - this would wake up everyone in the house. It is not quicker than the hand crank, and it made a terrible motor stripping sound once when she put four sheets of cardstock in it. I do not recommend this, but definitely see and use one once if you're thinking about it.
Here is my only shot of the Graphic 45 displays. Their paper and accessories are STUNNING. Lisa is right - gorgeous booth.
This is a technique I learned at a booth that escapes my tired brain right now. But this substance is not paint - it's more like embossing paste, and the lady demonstrating taught me this flower technique. I'm addicted! She was wonderful.

That's all for now. Busy weekend ahead. Wedding, Superbowl, Club prep, sabre toothed lemur races, upcoming webinar. Good thing there is Tex Mex and a margarita on the schedule after work tomorrow or I don't think I'd survive.

Thank you for all your kind comments and emails during the trip, and welcome all my new readers. You guys are so sweet to take the time to say such nice things!! Hope you enjoy the final peeks!

Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :)

Want to see my other blog?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Anaheim Hates the Google Net

Seriously. For some bizzare reason, you cannot use wireless internet here. My last blog post took 2.5 hours. That's why I didn't do one last night. It doesn't matter how you try to connect - wifi card, hotel wireless, whatever, the Mouse blocks you. My sister theorized that the Mouse says "Look. You came all the way out here to go to Disneyland, by God you are not sitting in your hotel noodling around on the intergoogle." Well I'm sorry, but there is no way that someplace that you can't get on the internet qualifies as the hap-hap-happiest place on earth.

However, I will say that Anaheim is right up there with Memphis on the friendliness of the people. The were crazy Texas friendly and I loved it.

OMG - my posts are backwards - Look BELOW the monkey post for my first Monday pics!!

But on with the show. Here is some more from Monday. I will photoshop Tuesday's goodies down at Gate 2 shortly, so talk amongst yourselves until then.

Okay - Frank - check this out. Maui Wowie shrimp salad. Feel free to post in OmniNet!!

Here's a man who was really feeling his oats at CHA. I tried to find some of these for myself, as they now seem very much a necessity, but alas, no findy.
I toyed with the idea of making you think I invented these.. but Martha did. Have you ever seen cuter pipe cleaner animals? I must have these!!
These are also Martha.
This is the Glue Glider. It's an adhesive runner, but the adhesive is divided into 1/16" segments for very precise application. Me likey.
Options was one of my favorite booths. They have drop dead gorgeous storage and totes. My friend and generous hostess here, Lisa, won a huge sassy brown suede bag from them. *Sigh*

Here is my painting from my watercolor/pastel class. It was so fun. I did an oil painting class yesterday using the Bob Ross Method that I will show the results of in the next class.
A good teacher makes it all easy!!

The booths from China had hilarious names. I thought immediately of Sue Farrant and Lisa Page when I saw this one - I can just hear them using this in a sentence. If that woman doesn't stop stamping black into my yellow ink pad I'm going to Magi-Wap her into next week!

The all also had the strange punctuation with the period + comma. So others were like "John's Super Good Craft Products for Joy., Inc., Ltd., LLC., Etc.,
This company produces all their paper lines with one note shaped piece in each pack.
And these STUNNING vintage chipboard buttons, blackberry not included.
This flower was made from their paper crepe ribbons.
Aah - the holy Grail - Basic Grey's Marrakech line. You would get misty if you saw it IRL.
LOVE this idea!! Put your hands together!!
I know this looks weird, but it's made with an awesome product - GLASS BEAD GEL!! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!! SO CLEAN AND EASY - NO MORE BEEDZ ON THE FLOOR!

These pillows were made with rub-ons from Hambly - an awesome booth with great transparencies.
Here is a bracelet from the Pentel make & take - just made with markers!
Here's the one I made.
The red is this COOL Chalk marker - very fun to use!!
OH - this must be what Maddie sees when she looks at a pom pom!!!
This skirt made out of thread (wear undies, ladies!!) was at the DMC booth. Stunning.
This cool punch has a magnetic base so you can move the punch around anywhere on your paper!

I just thought this muffin tin with pewter findings was beautiful.
Here's the glue gun with the wax for making wax seals. I just loved these seals. The go through the mail without breaking.
Felt stickers from Prima.
This was made with Fimo clay. It just glowed. The Fimo artist was one of the most talented people I saw. Great lady.
And finally, more Ranger eye candy.
I talked to Shelli for a bit - she and Sterling were warm and friendly as always, and that was the first time my sister got to meet her. Kristina Werner was there as well, and so it was fun to see the SU! gang.

I'm sad that my friend Lisa just got on her plane. We were both saying that we already felt like we knew each other when we met this trip. She is hilarious and just as sweet in person.

Head over to her blog - Flatfish Paper Arts - for more pictures and show info. She saw totally different things than I did.

Now it's time to move to my real gate and start photoshoppings, so TTFN.

Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :)

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