
Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I love Nancy Drew.

My employer recently got rid of a lot of really nice office furniture. I scored a bookcase, and finally, an office chair that doesn't hurt my back when I stamp and blog. Thanks employer!!

But what it really means is that my Nancy Drew books that my parents saved for me have a home - out of the garage and onto a shelf where they belong.

Aaah. Look at them.

I have a collection of just one less than half of all of them. I wish I had the rest in the same editions.

I remember when I was reading them going to this store that specialized in pretty expensive dolls (the Madame Alexander dolls - I had Alice in Wonderland, Snow White and a few others), some hobby stuff and these crazy expensive books. I remember that it was a big deal to get one. I think they were like $3. Maybe $3.50. Definitely a luxury.

Anyone who has ever read The Secret of Red Gate Farm gets it about right now and is smiling from ear to ear.

What about the Ghost of Blackwood Hall?

Man. That was some good stuff.

Have a good Wednesday. Super innovative card tonight with something cool I invented, I promise. :)


  1. Glad to hear that you have a decent chair to sit in :o) I am reading Stephanie Meyers books, and am on the second one, "New Moon", finished "Twilight" yesterday. They are suppose to be books for teenagers but quite afew of my friends were reading them and said how good they were. Have a great Wed. Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne

  2. Nancy Drew! Emma is starting to show some interest...we may be over and park in that comfy chair to loose ourselves in a good mystery! :-)Jane

  3. *SIGH*....I am soooooo jealous. I have no idea what ever happened to mine, though many of them were returned to the book exchanged and swapped for more reading material. I so wanted to be Nancy, or one of the Secret Seven...did you read them? Ah, the good old days huh? Enjoy having them in their rightful place :)

  4. i was more into trixie belden (and i had a customer the other day who is her namesake!), and i am smelling the great smell of old paper through cyberland.

    fun stuff! i'm collecting children's lit as an adult for my yet-to-exist grandchildren. have i told you about the penderwicks? jane birdsall. MUST read!

  5. I loved my Nancy Drew books...I had the same editions. Unfortunately I sold them all. They are GREAT books!

    Love your pinecones, too! What talent!

  6. This is bringing back some nice memories! I read quite a few Nancy Drew mysteries in high school when I started to learn English (I'm French). I loved them, and they were a great way to build some vocabulary.

    I remember in the 90's when they tried to make a TV version based on the book. Nancy Drew had straight black hair cut in a bob and green eyes. So wrong...


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