
Friday, September 5, 2008

How to Distress Paper - A Tutorial by Splotchy Paprika Fiedler

Before Splotchy's Tutorial, I wanted to share a sneak peek of my faux Copic project for tomorrow"s class. If you dont want Copics or can't afford them, you wont want to miss this fun blended look with products I bet you already have - you dont even have to add water! U curious yet? Ooh - and we're gonna be using fuzzy ribbon. Which, by the way, is called felt ribbon IRL. (In Real Life)

Now Splotchy wants to share his tutorial for distressing paper. Since he's new to blogging and doesn't have thumbs, he'd like to ask your pardon for being a little pithy.

Okay, first, it's really important to keep your scraps. Big animals don't always appreciate how much fun you can have with a scrap. Kitties don't even call them scraps - they call them fun sticks. So pick out a scrap you like and choose a project from the brand new Stampin' Up! Idea Book and Catalog - there's great stuff in there!

I'm particularly fond of the bat DSP because it reminds me of my sister, Madagascar.

But I chose Very Vanilla for distressing.

Next, you need to find someone to hold your scrap for you. THERE - hold it right there - don't move.

Next, you want to get just the edge of the paper wet - this makes it easier to break the fibers down.

Now you will really want to get to poking little teeny holes in it with your teeth.

You can do this part with or without paws, depending on the alertness of your distressing partner.

Mine saw something shiny every now and then and I had to remind her to hold it right. Grab her hands if you need to - the two leggers are a little slow.


Sometimes you drop something and have to stop for a second.

Try to bend the paper into a curve to give it some visual interest.

You will want to stop and look at it from a few angles and above to see how it's progressing.

Spend some time on the very corners.

It's these little details that really make a project come alive.

Continue distressing until you achieve the look you were going for or feel the need to jump straight up in the air and randomly run away.

Stop for a photo op every now and then.

But when the stamparazzi get all crazy - enough is enough - no more photos!!!

This is Splotchy P. Fiedler wishing you all a good night!!


  1. i'm oh so curious about this faux copic technique. can't wait for you to post tomorrow after your class!

    splotchy is quite the natural crafter. the last picture is my favorite though. no more pictures, please! i think he's going to need an agent...

    btw, why paprika for a middle name?

  2. Splotchy is a complete natural talent when it comes to paper crafting. Try inking up his paws and letting him walk all over some blank cardstock, I'll bet he would make some real cute handmade DSP. My kitty did that once on our carpet after stepping into a paint tray with white paint in it. I should have left it alone, we would have had our own designer carpet. Gotta get some stamping done. See ya. as always, kiss the kitties for me.

  3. If I thought that it would persuade my landlady that I needed a kitty for my stamping projects I'd show her this post...but she's a scientist and I'm sure all she'd think of was the horrible mess a kitty and my rather large scraps box would make ;) Too cute! I'm assuming that the *Paprika* is cause he's a little bit spicy???

  4. I'm leaving my first comment on your blog. I have really enjoyed lurking around here (oh, that sounds kinda weird) but I just couldn't lurk any longer. ;) I can't wait to see your faux copic tutorial. I think I know what you are doing, but can't wait to see your take on it. ;p
    Also, I'm a kitty lover and have 3 myself. Your photos of the kittens takes me back 7 years ago when we rescued a brother and sister from our vet's dumpster! Someone had dumped them there. Can you believe that? So, I guess I'm grateful because we had just lost our beloved cat and we needed some new kitten activity in the house. Sadie and Bentley were about the same age as your kitties, and over the years have provides us with non-stop love, laughs and fun. Thanks for sharing everyday on your blog. I really enjoy visiting.

    barb hendrickson

  5. Your too funny, getting Splotchy to do your technique ( wink) Maybe you can borrow King to do a distressing ribbon tut as he is forever getting ahold of organdy ribbon and leaving his mark on it. Even did it to the corner of Jeremy's scrapbook :o( Yup, leaving us in suspense AGAIN, but then again you are famous for that my friend. Have a great week-end. Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne

  6. is there anything cuter on the face of the planet than a kitten? thanks for the aww factor this a.m.

  7. I don't know, Lydia ... I think Splotchy's tutorial may be your best yet!
    Hugs, Jeannette

  8. Haha, that's so cute and funny!!

  9. I am an avid reader of your blog and I always love seeing what your little babies are up to! Splotchy writes a great tutorial!

  10. These pictures are a riot!! What a great way to get distressed paper!! Keep those kitty pics and stories coming.

  11. Hahahahahahaha,this tutorial is just hilarious! LOL


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