
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tiny Furry Beests

You know that I love all the strange beasts that cross my path - many in the form of moths. I have no idea why our front door is so conducive to odd moth socializing, but I'm super happy about it. When I got home last night, I found this adorable wooly nano mammoth hanging on for dear life. He was so dang cute!!! Look at his furry little head!! I just love this little guy! He looks like a microscopic flying Pomeranian!
I've been creating little Zindorf cards today but I might be too tired to upload them. So until I do, enjoy my little nanomammoth!!


  1. I *love* your description -"microscopic flying Pomeranian!" Exactly the right color. Great photos. I've never seen one of these hereabouts. May not be the right environment for them, or maybe I need to look harder.

  2. That doesn't even look real! I have never seen something like it. Looks like a flying hamster to me. LOL
    Thanks for sharing. Hugs and smiles

  3. Waow, this sure is a fun fuzzy insect! :-)


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