
Friday, January 4, 2008

Yeah, I'm a little behind

I don't have a little behind, I AM a little behind. :) I have the same big behind battle we all have! But where was I?

I'm behind on my card a day, but not by much. I've had a very busy couple of days. Insanely busy. So I have all my cards started, but not finished.

I do want to share with you my proudest accomplishment though - OMG - is that SPACE ON MY DESK???

HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE??? Well, aliens come down sometimes, abduct me, clean my room and plop me back down to make cards for their ruthless leader. That happened today, thank God!
Wow. Really. I hardly want to stamp on it it's so nice & tidy & spacious.
Anyway, I need to because I owe you five cards. So the next post will contain all five, and my offer is still good to mail all 365 cards this year to readers of this blog. I've had a few takers already. Email me privately with your mailing address if you'd like some of this year's samples.
I have some crazy ideas for the fab five today, so stay tuned!!
It's a whole day of stamping!

1 comment:

  1. I loved all your "little behind" post. Wowza your desk looks great. I want mine to look like that too. I'm subscribing so I can have 365 days of inspiration.


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