
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Animal Forgiveness?

I know animals have emotions. If you don't believe that, you should have your head examined. What I'm hoping for is that they are capable of forgiveness. Relevance? I had to take my cat, Spot for an ultrasound today. She is 12, and she is sick. She has gone from 14 pounds to 6 teeny pounds. :( But lemme tell you a little something about those 8 pounds. They did not contain any of HER INSANE FEROCITY WHICH WAS ON SPECTACULAR DISPLAY AT THE VETS TODAY! 6 pounds of unrestrainable anger, biting, clawing, howling, writhing away from FOUR GROWN HUMANS! Incredible. We made it through the exam, but it was so traumatic. Two hours of just helplessly watching her suffer and knowing she didn't know there'd be an end to it. The three days of guilt I had before today are nothing compared to how awful I feel tonight. She kind of cringes when I go near her. She won't eat. She won't sit on my husband's lap like she does every night. Ugh. I hope she forgives me and that tomorrow is a better day. I love this little cat with all my heart, I do. She will be 13 on April 27th. You should send her a card. :)

Anyway, speaking of cards, here's today's card. I just love this Embrace Life set. It's gorgeous. The background paper is SU Ginger Blossom. The watercoloring is done with a blender pen and Groovy Guava, River Rock and Ruby Red classic ink refills. The paper is the same colors. I used Always and So Many Scallops to stamp the round accent and finished with a rhinestone brad. The picture doesn't really show the dimension, but that lower flower is popped up with a Stampin' Dimensional.

My friend in Canada - Lynne - who is on my card-a-day mailing list (are you? Want a card? Let me know) had a crazy experience this week! Think happy thoughts about Lynne! She took the time to send me two things that absolutely amazed me. The first is this incredible Danish website - you're not going to believe this.
The second is this absolutely amazing video. People are so creative, and thank God for the internet that brings it all right to us!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, poor SPOT, but I know she will forgive you,eventually, you know they have to put you on a guilt trip. She has to know you were thinking of nothing but the best for her. My cat, King says " Hey Spot, put on your big girl panties and deal with it, it was for your own good" !! Got my card in the mail today my friend, just love it. Thanks so very much, Hugs n' Stuff, Your Canadian Friend, Lynne


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