
Friday, October 12, 2007

For Shanna!

Is there really anything more wholesome and American than a 4H winning recipe? (If you don't know what 4H is, and you have kids, you need to find out!!!) At my WCMD camp (thanks again ladies!!) I told them I was bringing my famous Velveeta burgers to the coast to feed the cousins. The story of this recipe is the story of a great family - the Sistrunks - in Bryan, TX. The daughters were the queens of 4H, and their mom was an absolute angel. We were cooking with them for a lot of fun years. One year, they won the state cooking contest with a recipe for some very cheesy sloppy joes. Without revealing my age, I will say that this all took place long before microwaves, if there were ziploc bags, we didn't have em, and in most cases, before AC in our station wagons!! These yummy sandwiches were meant to be assembled, wrapped individually in foil, and then "cooked" on the dashboard on road trips!! They were wonderful that way. They have retained a timeless quality I think you'll enjoy! I must also add that I am violently opposed to fake cheese, fake butter, low fat or skim anything, so I bring you a Velveeta recipe with only love in my heart - if I like it, it HAS to be good!! And if anyone needs to get married in a hurry, no man can resist these!! So here it is - do try it and let me know!!:

2 LBS lean ground beef
1 LB Velveeta (don't try anything else - believe me, it doesn't work)
1 Onion, minced
1 tsp garlic salt
1 TBS chili powder (I like 2 =))
8 oz. tomato sauce
salt & pepper to taste (I use about a tsp of salt and no pepper)

Brown the meat and onions until the meat is cooked. Drain & return to pan. Add tomato sauce & all spices. Mix. Add Velveeta & stir until all melty and fabulous. Serve on hamburger buns! This freezes so well, and is way better the second or third time.

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