
Friday, September 7, 2007

How can you not love this face?

Here's Badger! (My sister's dog who had surgery) Lots of you have been asking, and here she is during "recovery". Note that her humans were nice enough to pull up a little bed on the floor to keep a close eye. I have some tired relatives, I'll tell ya!! But look how Badger has perfected the "oooohhhh look how sad I am" look - BRILLIANCE!!!

In case you were wondering, I'm so NOT hard at work on my last project. I got three done and am about to blog and SCS surf for an idea for the last one. I'm really attached to the first three I'm not gonna lie!

Anybody out there like wine? I have a great product for you to try. A dear friend at work got me this for my birthday, and he swore up and down this thing works and he is a man who always tells the truth!! Sure enough, I tried it and it is truly amazing!! Go get yourself one.

It's called the Eisch breathable wine glass. It does all the work of a decanter in just a few minutes in your glass! I know it seems unbelievable, but I tried the test that is on the box. Pour some wine into the Eisch, then some into a regular glass, wait 10 minutes and have a taste test. UNBELIEVABLE!! Somehow this glass actually opens up and decants your wine. Those Germans, I tell ya. They sell them at Bed Bath & Beyond and other sassy wine glass retail establishments near you. =)
Today is my parent's FIFTIETH wedding anniversary!! If you know them - tell them congrats!
More later... Thanks for stopping by. I PROMISE I WILL PUBLISH MY PROJECTS SOON!!


  1. Badger is SO cute! She is also lucky enough to own such caring humans.

    Well, if you tell me what you are looking for project-wise, maybe I could help you out! Your camp is such a super sassy stampin' secret that I don't even know where to start....Is there a theme? Are you looking for a card? A 3-D item? What???

    Talk to you soon,

  2. Great Pyrenees are such lovely dogs :) Wonderful humans she has to care for her. I hope she is doing better.


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