
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kindness Is Contagious - Pass it on (And the MIStI Maynia Winner!)

You know the whole pay for someone else's order at a drive through phenomenon?

I don't know who invented it, but I love it.

I do it myself often at my Starbucks.

On the drive through sign, there is sometimes a little bird that sits there and sings, and every time the bird is on the sign, I buy the order behind me in line. I've very frequently had my order bought by the person in front of me too, which is amazing.

I like to think that every time that happens it starts one of those big chains where everyone does that for hours, because if there's one thing I know - it's that kindness is contagious. In my youngest child's heart, I also like to think it's more contagious than meanness is, which I also know is contagious. I just will always believe that good wins. But only if you do good.

So when this RIDICULOUSLY cute little Paper Layering Hedgehog arrived in my mailbox (I counted the days), I just so happened (because cleaning is for serial killers) to still have the May My Monthly Hero Kit on my desk. And just like the historic moment when chocolate and peanut butter came together to form God's one true candy - the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup - these two things merged into complete, perfect awesomeness.

Behold. The Hedgehog of Kindness.

Hero Arts Paper Layering Hedgehog by Understand Blue

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Ha! I laughed when he was all put together. So cute.

To create the background I used the Clarity Stamp Stencil Brushes with Watermelon Wonder Ink on Watermelon Wonder Cardstock with the Hero Arts Delicate Petals Stencil - to me those little shapes were identical to his tiny quills.

Bahh! Isn't he hilarious? I added googlie eyes just to make him quirky, but approachable. :).

Today I'm lucky enough to be hopping around with the Hedgie of Kindness for the Hero summer release if you want to check it out. As per usual, there are prizes for the commenty types, so do partake by May 15th. All these goodies are so fun.

I HAD to have the Destination Texas stamp - they have a bunch of fun destinations, and I bet you'll see others on this hop. I love the graphic, modern look to it, so of course I had to try something different, so I did a little no-line watercolor with my Mijello Mission Gold Watercolors. It is painted on Strathmore Ready Cut watercolor paper, and stamped initially in Daffodil Delight ink. I used one of the card bases and vellum overlays from the May My Monthly Hero Kit - it perfectly matched one of of my colors and it was still on my desk - this is one of my favorite design techniques - the "it was on my desk" technique. I used the sentiment from Hello Gorgeous because I felt like it evoked that postcard greeting style that I was going for on this card.

Destination Texas - Hero Arts by Understand Blue

So little time. So many stamps, inks and dies.

Here are some friends hopping with me today.

The Hero Arts Blog
Amy Tsuruta
Clare Prezzia
Debby Hughes
Jennifer McGuire
Jenn Shurkus
Joan Bardee
Julie Ebersole
Kathleen Graumuller
Kathy Racoosin
Kelly Rasmussen
Kimberly Crawford
Laura Bassen
Libby Hickson
Lori Craig
Lucy Abrams
>>Lydia Fiedler << You are here
Mariana Grigsby
May Sukyong Park
Nichol Magouirk
Sandy Allnock
Teri Anderson
Wanda Guess
Yana Smakula

Be sure and peek at all the amazingness, and also stop by my Facebook page this week for impromptu live broadcasts from arty and crafty places :)

I also wanted to announce my MISTI Maynia winner!! Congratulations to Larissa!! Larissa if you do not already have an account on, please open one and then send me your email address so I can give it to them for your prize! I thought it was so fun to read all your responses - thank you to everyone who commented - I read them all!



  1. I love the "Hedgehog of Kindness," and you are so right about peanut butter and chocolate!! Thanks for the chuckles today!

  2. there is something so funny about those wobbly eyes, love it :)

  3. Your posts always make me GIGGLE! God's One True Candy. Oh my. lolz! Love you girl - and your cards are stellar as always!!!

  4. Oh, I just LOVE this hedgehog; he really is cute! And love your beautiful water coloring "Hello Gorgeous" card. Lovely. And a big congrats to Larissa - I imagine she's doing a happy dance for sure! lol

  5. Yay for Larissa!
    Your hedgie card is so much fun and I adore your watercoloring!

  6. Great job, thanks for sharing with us!

  7. I love the watercolor card, it's gorgeous!

  8. That critter is so CUTE! I love this release by Hero Arts and I can't wait to get my hand on some of the new products. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Just love the little hedgehog, he is just too cute for words! The watercolor you did is gorgeous!!!!

  10. Love both cards! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  11. The Hedgehock card is super cute!!

  12. Such a cute idea. Great use of these stamps

  13. I love the new release. Your cards are awesome.

  14. Both great cards! I'm not a coffee drinker so have never heard about it till your story, what a wonderful idea, I love it. You never know that something as little as buying someone a cup of coffee may have made their day on a day when they really needed a little kindness. Love your water color card it's beautiful. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

  15. I love that pretty water colored city scene. Just gorgeous.

  16. Your cards are little works of art--love them!!!!

  17. Love the water color technique with the reflection - gorgeous!!

  18. Guess no one like the hedgehog - I think he's cute! and great scenery card.

  19. Lydia he is so cute. I love the way things come together like peanut butter and chocolate. I also love reading your musings.

  20. I really like the softness of your reflection watercolor card.

  21. Okay, that hedgehog is great. I love it!

  22. Just love all theses paper layering dies. Very cute cards.

  23. Very fun hedgehog with the googly eyes. I like your watercoloring on the Texas card.

  24. Howdy from Central TX. Like the coloring for your TX creation. Have a BEE-utiful day!
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  25. Your hedgehog is adorable. I absolutely love your watercolor Destination Texas card!!!

  26. That hedgehog is just too cute. The other card has wonderful coloring.

  27. Hey I do that too at least once a week I buy someones coffee, your card designs are awesome

  28. Lovely watercolor technique on the Texas stamp!

  29. Oh what a sweet card! Pay it forward is awesome!

  30. Great cards! Love the details on the hedgehog card... truly unique and fun. TFS.

  31. Like the cards, and these great new products. Thanks!!

  32. Thank you so much for sharing this. I couldn't make my brain figure out how those dies worked, so I super really appreciate the video. Love the second card, too. The colors are yummy. My creative question is this: Are you inspired by the top layer of the desk contents, or do you dig a little??? I really only need a little space, but still end up taking things to ;the kitchen or my desk. Cleaning the craft table tends to create more project ideas, so I stay in this perpetual quandary!

  33. Being a Canadian resident I have never been to Texas. Great reflection created using watercolor!

  34. Both cards are Awesome! Congrats to Larissa!

  35. First time over on your page, nice work!
    Seems like Mission Gold are the new watercolors to try out... beautiful results you got for that card!

  36. I love your watercolor effect and I also laughed at the creature card. How fun!

  37. Oh, isn't that hedgehog SO adorable!

  38. wonderful cards Lydia - cute little hedgehog!

  39. Such a great sentiment on that card! Love the bg too!

  40. Oh your Texas card is's really beautiful! Love it!

  41. I love this cute hedgehog! I also like how you watercolored the reflection for the Texas stamp.

  42. Love both cards! I originally didn't have the hedgehog on my wishlist, but now your making me rethink that! LOL!

  43. Because cleaning is for serial killers hahahaha. :)
    Love both cards! Super fun.

  44. Love your watercolored Texas card.

  45. Thanks for the video--he is too cute! Love the colors on the Texas card as well. Thanks for sharing on the hop.

  46. I don't know if this is the right place to comment for the Hero Arts Giveaway, but it is the only place I found. Love you little hedge hog card. He is adorable.

  47. Love your destination card and the watercolor effect. Thanks for sharing.

  48. Love the beautiful effects with the watercolor! And, of course, the adorable hedgehog!

  49. I LOVE the hedgehog of kindness! And I REALLY love this gorgeous skyline card too! So pretty!
    Take Care!

  50. He IS cute and adorable! Love both od your cards, thanks a lot!

  51. i love the watercolor look on that scenic card!

  52. Now I can add a bit of art to travel journals--love Hero Arts! And your cards are impressive.

  53. LOVE the hedgehog of kindness. Too cute. You are so funny about cleaning is for serial killers!! I do my best cleaning when I'm angry so there is definitely something to that!!!

  54. I love your watercolor card! This is just so cool and is an original piece of art. Love!!!

  55. This hedgehog is just too cute. I also love your watercolored card. Great job hun.

  56. So cute . Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.

  57. Awww. So sweet. Love the artsy look of your Texas scene, too.

  58. The watercolor work and shadowing is so calming. Thank you for sharing

  59. Very nice, like mirrage kind of effect with the city and the white hilights on the hedgehog, he's cute!

  60. Fun cards! We need more people you believe in kindness and are willing to pass it to others!

  61. Love your no line watercoloring on that Texas card!

  62. LOve that little hedge hog!

  63. (Love hedgehogs!!! The Hedgehog of Kindness!!!)

    Love the watercolour technique you used with the destination stamp! Golly, I want them all...

  64. That hedgehog is adorable! Love that "it was on my desk" technique. It's totally working for you.

  65. Love how you used the destination Texas stamp!

  66. I am liking the destination travel stamps this week! So cute. Great color combos.

  67. Absolutely beautiful watercoloring of the Seattle sky line. I like this stamp.

  68. What fun cards! thanks for the inspiration!

  69. That little hedgehog is so cute, but your second card is amazing. Love how you made it look like everything was water colored freehand!

  70. If a hedgehog can be cute, you certainly accomplished it!

  71. Love love love. Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. Your cards are awesome!!!

  73. Thanks for the chance to win some great stamps.

  74. like your blog and your cards! Keep them coming!

  75. Love the new stamps and I love to see them used for different occasions in different ways. Great ideas!

  76. Cute cards! Reese's peanut butter cups are my favorite candy!

  77. The Hedgie of Kindness is adorable! I love the concept - quirky but approachable. Kindness comes from so many unexpected places/people and being open to seeing and appreciating it and them (and willing to pass it on) is key- making this loveable guy the perfect ambassador for it

  78. That hedgehog!! And how brilliant that you noticed the stencil looked like his quills!!! Love it!

  79. Love the hedgehog die and the sentiment. It would be so cute as a treat bag. Thank you for sharing, making the video and being part of the HA's and the Mini MISTI giveaway.

  80. what a fabulous new release from Hero Arts. Thanks for sharing.

  81. I like the watercolor effect.

  82. You're right about that hedgehog; he is too stinkin' cute! Thanks for sharing!

  83. I simply love the hedgehog, its so cute.

  84. Your hedgehog of kindness is adorable! And the Texas stamp and card is awesome. Great cards!

  85. Fabulous cards! That hedgehog is just so fun and your water coloring on the last card is AWESOME!!

  86. Two terrific cards- i can't help smiling when viewing the charming hedgehog and the watercoloring of Seattle is unbelievably beautiful!

  87. That hedgehog is amazingly adorable (with or without the eyes lol)! I have done the drivethrough thing a few times... always feels good inside! your destination texas card is stunning - love water color!!!

  88. Lovely card! Congrats Larissa.

  89. Your little hedgehog just makes me giggle! Adorable...I am super unloved with the noline watercolor on your second card!!! Just love it!

  90. Awesome card and the hedgehog is so cute:-)


  92. Wonderful watercolor and I am looking to see if my city shows up.

  93. Whenever I am especially cranky, I get a diet coke at a drive thru and pay for the person behind me. Cheers me up every time! My daughter worked at McD's during high school. The crew loved it when the pay-it-forward started a chain - they would keep count of how many kind people came through the line.
    Love your card - you are the no line watercolor Queen!

  94. I am loving the creative talent expressed in Hero Arts destination stamps in this blog hop! Your Texas scene really knocks my socks off! What a great abstract scene with fabulous colors! I am not a Texan, but I a thinking about it!

  95. Yea for the Texas stamp. I grew up there.

  96. Great job on the cards, Lydia. I especially love the watercoloring.Thanks so much for sharing with us and for participating in this fun hop.

  97. Congratulations Larissa! The Hello Gorgeous card is fabulous!

  98. The hedgehog is super adorable!

  99. The hedgehog is adorbs! And the watercoloring on your second card is beautiful! Some day I hope to be able to watercolor as nicely as you do, Lydia. With watercolor, it seems less is more - or, rather, just right. TFS

  100. Cute hedgehog. And I absolutely love the destination stamps and how you colored it. Thanks for sharing.

  101. The Texas card is amazing. Love the watercoloring.

  102. That hedgie is so cute! Love your watercoloring on the destination card.

  103. That hello Gorgeous NY card is so cool. Love the shadows.

  104. My grandson's hair when it first came in reminded me of a hedgehog. I've gotta have that die!

  105. Laughed right out loud when I first saw the hedgie die...then I saw your card. Love serendipity, as in the circle fits so perfectly into the die. Makes me think cosmic forces for good are out there...or maybe I'm the one out there.
    Also love these destination stamps...although, I never would have thought to handle it the way you did...brilliant.

  106. Amazing cards! Thank you for sharing.

  107. Great tutorial on this adorable little hedgie:)

  108. I like the two cards, the first one it´s a cutie, and the second one in watercolor technique it´s very nice too !!!

  109. Cool cards. I really like the watercolored one.

  110. Oh, hedgehog is so cute! And your Texas stamping and coloring is beautiful - I hope HA will add more destinations to this line, especially Alaska, since that's where I live!

  111. OMG!!! He is absolutely adorable!!! I can think of all kinds of things for this little guy to hold!!

  112. I love watercolored cards, and yours is no exception. Thanks for sharing your talent, your card design is terrific.

  113. I like your watercolor city skyline. It looks nice without borders.

  114. Love the watercoloured card (but the hedgehog is just scary, lol)

  115. Cute Heggie and love your watercolor!

  116. The googly eyes are way too cute! :D

  117. Love your "Hello Gorgeous" card, the shadow effect is awesome Lydia! Thanks for sharing about your paying it forward.

  118. Super cute hedgehog card and love the beautiful Texas watercolor card!

  119. STANKin' stankin' I mean STANKin cute! Yes, it's purrrfect that the sentiment fits inside his little paws and nose. And his eyes do make him approachable. Very thoughtful of you lol!!!!! You killz me!

  120. I love the hedgehog and kindness button. Great cards!

  121. What a great refection effect you got on your water colored card! I love all the different ways the DT is using those destination stamps

  122. the city scene is beautiful.
    Love how you shadowed the buildings.
    thanks for sharing.
    Happy Hedgehog

  123. I'm scared to try watercoloring, but I love looking at it...
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  124. Wonderful kindness stiry. Cute hedgehog and pretty skyline.

  125. The watercolor scene is beautiful and such a cute hedgehog!

  126. You're right gogglie eye make anything adorable, but paired up with the kindness sentiment...that's about perfect. Love the watercolor Texas with the hello gorgeous sentiment. And yes have to agree with you about the Peanut Butter Cup and what's also one of my favorite card design was on my desk!

  127. You're right gogglie eye make anything adorable, but paired up with the
    kindness sentiment...that's about perfect. Love the watercolor Texas with
    the hello gorgeous sentiment. And yes have to agree with you about the
    Peanut Butter Cup and what's also one of my favorite card design was on my desk!

  128. CUTE hedgehog card and I absolutely love the watercolored riverwalk scene in SA!

  129. Love both cards. Hedgehogs are always delightful! But I truly love the watercolored card. Beautiful.

  130. You are right the hedgehog is adorable!

  131. What a cute little hedgehog! Love what you've done with him, especially the googly eyes! Your watercolor card is so pretty. You are truly talented!

  132. Awesome cards! Love your watercoloring!

  133. I love your no-line watercoloring ! The skyline and the reflection are so beautiful !

  134. Love that hedgehog card!
    Beautiful watercolor stamping!

  135. Your hedgehog is sooo cute but I really like your watercolored card!

  136. Hedgehog of kindness?!! It WILL catch on!

  137. Awesome cards and release!
    ~God bless

  138. Interesting hedgehog! Great message!

  139. Cute hedgehog! Thanks for sharing.

  140. I loVe them both. Thanks for sharing.
    Crafty hugs,

  141. Love the watercolour reflection idea. The hedgehog is so cute holding the sentiment.

  142. What a great watercolor technique! Love the card and that sentiment!

  143. Love both cards. The hedgehog is super cute and I love the subtle colors on the watercolor card. :)

  144. I love the story and I love love love the hedgehog! Thank you for the great ideas!

  145. Your cards are so sweet! Thanks for sharing them. God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at)

  146. Wow!!!! I love this new release!!! Great cards!!!!

  147. Love these both. I like how you did two cards that are completely different from each other. The hedgehog is adorable and the watercolor card is beautiful! Great work

  148. Love the reflection you gave to your watercolor. Must try. Thanks for sharing and thanks to HERO ARTS for a great summer release!

  149. Love your hedgehog of kindness and your water coloured destination stamp card is beautiful!

  150. Interesting Hedgehog! Love the water coloring!

  151. Your watercolor card is beautiful. As for the hedgehog, I am a little!

  152. I love the Hedgehog, he is so cute and fun. Thanks for sharing.

  153. Kindness is contagious so feel free to pick my name to win a gift card! I particularly loved your water color scene. Really, really pretty. Thanks gorgeous!

  154. Love all the new products! Cute Hedgehog :)

  155. Such great cards, that hedgehog die is adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  156. I love your "Hello Gorgeous" card. The watercoloring looks great. Your hedgehog is pretty irresistible too. Thanks for the inspiration.

  157. Awesome card with beautiful watercoloring - you did a super job!!

  158. I adore the hedgehog! What a cute idea. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us!

  159. nice water coloring! hope hero arts keep these coming


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