
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Don't Put Poop on Your Cards. You're Welcome.

Before I begin, let me make sure you're awake. Yes, this is real. If you don't see a video player, click here.

Now that you've watched that ten times and shown it to everyone in your house and emailed it to your mom, can we get back to Understand Blue business please? Sheesh.


First up, my lovely and talented friend Dreena Guptil entered the birthday blog hop yesterday with this HYSTERICAL post!! Put down your beverages. I warned you. Thank you Dreena - you made my day. I <3 your squirrel.

Okay, are you back yet?? Can we talk about cards now?

Remember this tutorial I did on Splitcoast for gesso resist?

Well I filmed it this weekend and it will be up on the site soon, along with a little surprise.

But here's the card I made for it.

Stamps: Medallion, Sincere Salutations, Ink: Versamark, Basic Black, Crushed Curry, Dusty Durango, Paper: Kraft, Soft Suede DSP, Magazine Page, Accessories: Clear Embossing Powder, Heat Gun, Crafter's Tool Kit, Brads, Sponges

The Medallion stamp is Purrrfect for this technique!

Now, I did have a side effect from Reanimation, that out of love for you, I will share. You are not allowed to file class action lawsuits over this, however.

I accidentally sent out a Thank You card with poop on it!!!

I'll give you a second.

You ok? Allrighty - you know this card? Well that was the actual Thank You card I sent to my beloved Dana Keith. Sadly, Dana looked closely enough at the dictionary page to notice that IT IS COVERED WITH POO. SERIOUSLY. Look closely at the words.

Moral: Look at the book pages you use before you put poop on a card to a friend!!


Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :)

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  1. oh. My. GOODNESS.

    I do believe that you have set a new catagory for "cards with subliminal text". ROFL!!! I bet when Dana figured that one out whatever she was drinking came shoooting out her nose.

    I am now off to look at every card I have ever gotten from you, ever, to see what I can come up with. Thanks for making my morning...this was better than bacon-headed Conan.

  2. You are one lucky chicka to have your very own birthday blog hop! That's love......happy birthday, by the way.

    And who would've guessed that the vacuum cleaner would be kitty's idea of a trip to the spa? Well, you certainly do make my world a better (and bluer) place!

  3. Oh, goodness...this was a fun post from the top to the very "bottom"! I seriously love Dreena's post for you! :o)

  4. HAHA! Poop on a card! I love how clear your medallion came out, unlike mine. Sigh.

    WV: whinon. I will continue to whinon and on and's what I do.

  5. ha ha ha! I used "dictionary bits" all the time too. Love it. But once I made an art doll, as a Christmas ornament, for a special swap. Random torn bits of dictionary all over the body, and dressed up as an angel. Very pretty.

    But when I looked REALLY closely, I saw that on the foot, we had the word "dysentry". WAH! And it was in the swap by then, ready to go to its new owner!

    Luckily, the new owner was a stamping nurse with a sense of humour! I had great pleasure in pointing out the foot.

  6. Lydia,

    Well, it is a good thing that Christmas card that you sent me last year had text in another language other than English, or I would have to check for poo on it! Shocking! Haha. I can always count on your blog for a funny story.

    Ok, now on to the card..... I Absolutely love it. What an awesome idea for that Medallion stamp. Can I have it? Tee Hee.

    Love ya,

    Lisa Atha

  7. I realized the other day that I have started Twittering and stopped commenting on your blog. That's not very nice of Cletus! I'm sorry!

    I wish my dogs would like a vacuum cleaning like these cats. It'd be a great reduction in the dustbunny-hairballs floating around my house!

    I do like the card even though poop is on it!And on the card you made today- I want that medallion stamp so bad!

    Will try and get back in the habit of commenting more on your blog especially M-F when waiting for kids to get ready for school in the morning!

    WV-fiflubi- I just like saying over and over-fiflubi,fiflubi,fiflubi- sounds Swedish to me!

  8. Lydia,

    Thanks for the laugh, really needed it!


  9. Oh MY WORD! This is what I get for being sooooo far behind on my Reader...I decided I was going to read the "old" posts on Reader....BWAHAHAHAHAHA Love that you posted the POOP on your blog!
    NEVAH again am I going to skip any of your posts.
    My abdominals are seizing now from all the LOLing.

  10. I must be blind. I can't see it! But I will admit that never before have I looked so hard for poo!!


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