
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Okay, I forgot one thing

Sorry - BEAR with me ;)

I was taking off my jewelry tonight and thinking about today's adventures, and I laughed out loud seeing what I was wearing. My Hopi overlay ring that I TREASURE and wear every day that is.. a... BEAR, and my silver Michael Slim Navajo bracelet.. his signature is the bear paw. We go to Santa Fe every Thanksgiving and this family that I love to buy jewelry from has the bear as a theme. The Navajo tell me it symbolizes courage, inner strength, physical strength, endurance, protection. NOT, apparently, yummy crunchy Texas girls.

Made me giggle.
PS - yes, those are my notes from today.

Grab a Snack, It's gonna be a long one!

I've got lots to say, so settle in! First of all, today was awesome. The demonstrations at the main session were spectacular, especially the punch demonstrations. For example, check out what they did with the three for you punch box and the flower from the Ronald McDonald House set - Just Like You.Seriously - how cute is that? Sorry about the pics - they are photos of the screen and I don't have photoshop on my laptop.

Now, when I was little, my parents made fun of me because on our drives through the stunning land that I love every summer I was TERRIFIED a bear was going to eat us. Pretty sure this had something to do with some sort of psychological terror campaign waged by my brother, but the statute of limitations is up.. Anyway, all I have to say now is BOOYA!! Bears are still trying to eat me!! Look at this bear trying to get inside the convention center to eat me like a jalapeno popper!!

It's really a miracle that I've made it this far. . Seriously, MOM.

Now, a brilliant woman named Michelle Fischer did our last demonstration of the day and using a single template to create a box that is 5.75 X 4.75 X 3.75 (easy to remember!!) made a bazillion amazing gift packages using everything we all love. Here is one from the boards.

One thing Stampin' Up! does "the best there ever was" (be the first to name the source of that and win a prize from me..) is inspire. Since the theme this year is "Dream Big" you can imagine the possibilities. My favorite quote of the day, attributed to that brilliant philosopher and statesman - ANONYMOUS - is this "A ship is always safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are for." Really resonated with me.

To reward you for hanging with me so far, here is another pic from the boards using that same box template.. the monkey riding on the rhino cracks me up. I also think this talented lady really has an eye for color. Which brings me to a brilliant revelation of today. If you're stuck in a color rut, (as you can imagine, I get stuck on blue...) a great way to get out of the box is to just look at the Designer Series Papers - for example, take a look at the Cutie Pie series on page 173. So Saffron, Bashful Blue and Purely Pomegranate look SPECTACULAR together - do it!


Okay - on to a little philosophical observation. I was sprinting back to the hotel at lunch to do some work stuff (hey! I'm on vacation people!! =0) and directly across from the convention center they are very carefully demolishing a building. I took pictures, and took short movies of the wrecking ball tearing out floor after floor, with what looked like accidental precision. When I looked around me, I saw all sorts of different types of men who had brought sandwiches and were standing on the sidewalk spending their lunch hour watching this happen. It was fascinating - both things. I thought to myself that no one brings their lunch to a construction site to watch a thing being built, but they will be completely mesmerized by the deconstruction of a thing. Things that make you go hmmm....

A lady in front of us showed us this cute teeny clipboard she made with a chipboard coaster and a binder clip. Geez, these people amaze me!! She has lovely nails too - just noticed that!!

Okay, so Chriss made me laugh so hard about "sheet meat" from last year's convention!! It's horrific! I heard from some "agents" from session one that this year's sheet meat was horrific, exceeding the horror of sheet meat past, so I opted out and went for this insanely good GRILLED caesar salad at my hotel. mm... Anyway, when I got back to the convention center, everyone confirmed, that yes, the lunch bordered on terrorism. How can you make lunch for 2500 people tasty? An impossible task, not Denver's fault. But Chriss, you get the giggle of the day. How about walking 14 miles to PF Changs and having me spill water on your butt though? That was fun, huh?

Anyway, I'm staying at the hotel Monaco, which, if you ever get the chance to stay in one, take it. They are beautiful boutique hotels with excellent service. And they give you a goldfish to keep you company in your room, which I love, being a Doolittle chick at heart. However, lest you get too attached, they fishnap your pet every two days, which leaves me a little confused and heartbroken. My first fish, Rusty, was sweet and kind of bedraggled. He actually had a small living creature attached to his tail. I'm completely serious. I didn't like that a bit. Today, I came home to find my new fish, Paint - he looks like a pony to me. He's a bit of a badass and we're getting to know each other. The before (Rusty) and after (Paint) are below.

So I better sign off before I bore you to death, but I will let you know the following. The Chamber of Commerce across the street is still flying the Jolly Roger. I'm determined to get to the bottom of this. And after I do a little work tonight, I'm going to check out the Art From the Heart CD with all the convention samples on it and watch my special convention order grow!! Thanks for looking. Have a great night!!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

All I wanted was a salad..

So tonight was really fun. Pajama stamp fest was a blast, the projects were so so cool, and I learned the build-a-brads and THE CROP O DILE WHICH MIGHT BE THE COOLEST THING SINCE STARBUCKS AND BUTTER! Wow do I love it. I'll post the make and takes tomorrow.. So I have nominated my fave blue card of the day which is this lovely butterfly ditty...
Then, I ended up sitting at the table with a girl not only from Austin, but like a block from my house - fun! But, no food since lunch, and I just wanted to come back and have of all things.. a salad from room service. But for some strange reason, the chopped salad is not available until 11PM?!? Oh I have theories... Like maybe "chopped" means - "scraped off diners plates from the lobby restaurant"? Surely not. Actually the restaurant in my hotel is insanely gourmet. But the girl can't stay up till 11. So I settled for a little blogging, some substandard mini bar wine, and my old stand by - the mini pringles can. God Bless America is what I say!! I miss you Pam! Oh yeah - did I mention that the chamber of commerce, across the street from my hotel, is flying the black pirate skull and crossbones flag? Hmm.. More tomorrow..

OMG - I'm a Rockin' Girl *blush* Blogger!

Sweet Jenn in GA gave me the sassy pink badge of honor, so it's my honor to pass it on. Here are four ladies and one guyI'd like to tag, in addition to my faves to the right!

Fran Sabad - this is a great blog, and she has a very crisp, fun style that I like a lot!

Not that a fellow Starbucks devotee doesn't factor into my blog faves or anything, but CHECK out her booglie eyes takeout box - if you don't laugh out loud, FULL REFUND!

Chi Chi Allen - a fellow Texan who as just as sweet in person as her sweet-lookin' blog! Sorry I didn't see you at Session 1 Chi Chi - I'm all alone at Session 2!

A Pig on Fire - LOVE this blog. Love looking past her cards off her balcony, love her sense of humor, LOVE the idea of a pig on fire!

Sarah and the Stampstars - funny, great pictures, and awesome projects. Plus the occasional yummy recipe like this month!! =) Who doesn't love a blueberry muffin??

Stampin Kub - this guy is AMAZING. I know that he already has been awarded a Rockin' Bloke Blogger tag, but if you haven't seen him, OMG - go over there immediately. You're gonna be amazed.

Thanks for the tag Jenn!! Sweet lady, that one. Go visit these blogs and leave them some nice comments. Tell em I said hi! =)

Dream Big

So, convention officially starts tomorrow, but today was check in day, and series of events that have us loaded down like pack animals!! First, memento mall, where we got our pajamas for tonights pajama party make and take session. They're dreamy - and BLUE. Also, these cute mini catalog bags - adorable. Some other items that might be gifts so I won't add pics.. Speaking of that - Jenn, email me your mailing address! =)

Next, the display boards. These are lovely, as usual, and I found a few things extra cute. Check out the cluck.

Then I thought that this "cake" made out of paper was stunning and had a lot of possibilities!

The boards with the samples from the artisan awards were great too. More after the pajama stamp fest ladies!! PS - my finger is much better! I can almost bend it! Life is good...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Convention curse - it LIVES

As some of you know, I ripped all the tendons off my ankle at the KC convention in 2002.. Well the curse
lives on.. I got to beautiful Denver today, decide to take in the world's greatest sport and check out a Rockies' game, and what do
you know, I get nailed by a foul ball and spend most of the game in the EMT shack!! It hit me on the knuckle, and I'm hoping it's not broken and that I can STAMP tomorrow!! Stay tuned!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Wascally Wabbits!

Caution - sometimes, when you go outside, wild wabbit babies attack you and nibble your feet! This is what happened to me today. I'm resting comfortably!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Yes, You're Late - It's Halloween

There's a chance you fell asleep for three months and just found out it's Halloween today. Sorry to bring you that news. There's also a small chance I'm getting punchy and won't be able to finish the challenges tonight... Busy day tomorrow getting ready for convention!!

Could I BE more behind?

So I'm just starting to work on Thursday's challenges and resisting the urge to peek at Friday's. Here's dirty dare #1 for Thursday.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Last Challenge of the Day

Wow - I finished. This one was a challenge to use as many brads as possible. Possible is relative!! We'll see what tomorrow brings..


This Dirty Dare Super Cat saves birthdays the world over! Challenge #3 made me giggle, I'm not gonna lie.

Why aren't more superheroes baby blue?

Dare to Get Your Toile Dirty!

This Dare to Get Dirty challenge was a monochrome toile. Stamp fever is the theme - who says the toile has to be made of flowers, right? Check out her glittery hair & gloves. *sigh*

Feeling Sketchy ;)

I'm addicted to SKETCH challenges!! Mosey over to SCS and check out the fan club daily challenges this week. Chriss - thanks for the idea! This is fun. My goal is to do 4 tonight, but I dunno if I'll make it. Here's the first "dirty dare" - the sketch challenge. See if you like it.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Entry for Beate's Sketch Challenge

I'm really getting addicted to these challenges... I just love these two colors together. TFL!

And the Winner Is....

Open House was a great time! Thanks for coming ladies! My DH did the drawing from your tickets for attending, ordering & bringing a friend, and the winner is.........

I will put your fabulous prizes - background paper, beads, stamp sets, ribbon, and so much more - with your order! Thanks, you lucky girl!!! =) And thanks to everyone else who came. Watch your mailboxes!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cowgirl Up

Okay - Open House is over and I have a few chill moments before dinner at my fave Indian restaurant, so I case'd an SCS fave for a masculine theme for once.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I'm a PRO(crastinator)

Okay - here's the inside. There are two envies - one holds a gift card, the other a greeting. This little project uses a LOT of new stuff. I hope you like it!!!

Sing the Procrasti-NATIONal anthem!!

See Jenn - now I'm a COUNTRY I'm so dominating the field of procrastinating.. Actually, be proud, ladies. I've taken the first step towards the make & take for tomorrow. Here's what I CASED. I took the tutorial this week for the gift card holder from SCS - Here, and put my hands together with the absolutely LOVELY blue color combo (you know how I am) from this card, and I at least have the FRONT! I'm sure I will ruin this before I'm done, but I'll keep you updated!!! Now, don't lose hope - I've procrastinated everything else too, so you have hours of fun ahead of you watching me scramble! I'll keep you posted (it's part of the delay strategy!!=))

Thursday, July 19, 2007

More Procrasti-Stamping

I'm so good at this. Seriously, if there were some kind of procrastination reality show - YOUR GIRL HERE WOULD BE A BIZMILLIONAIRE!!! I amaze myself. Anyway, sweet Jenn in GA bucked me up about the M&T, so I started buying myself some more time and I began contemplating this thing... - what is it? Why did I buy it? Will they wow me at convention and I'll be glad I did? It certainly is an impressive size and has some very technical looking parts that I think someday I can impress men with my knowledge of, but right now - what the heck was I thinking? ;)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wednesday ... Tick, Tock...

So.. My open house is Saturday, and as usual, I'm agonizing over my make and take. My usual response to pressure like this is to procrastinate - or "procrastistamp", as I call it. So that's what I'm doing. Instead of working on it - the MOST important part of open house, I am making some little gifts for the girls who come. Monogrammed notecards, I think in a little monogram purse. Uses two new punches, new ribbon, rhonestones.... What do you think? Lemme know in case I have to start over!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Everyone needs a muse

And not just "a muse" but amuse - and Pam does both for me... This is my upline - Pam (right). She lives right by my parents now so I get to visit her more. Here we are during a stretch of giggling and talking about stamping. She's the best. Her gallery is in my links to the right. Check her out.

Mondays - Essential or Optional?

That's the question we ask ourselves at work. What if we lopped Monday and Friday off the work week? How could anyone say that we wouldn't all be happier? A different opinion would really just be wrong. Here's a little ditty with a VERY cool new punch from Impress Rubber Stamps, that just punches half the daisy - fold it back and impress yourself! =) Top oval half is done with the Coluzzle, and the rest? Stampin' Up! bliss. Hey - if any of you have ideas for a quick, cute, bewitching make and take for my open house Saturday - LAY EM ON ME, LADIES!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Inspired by the Dirty Dozen's own Candy Williams - supremely talented stamper. Check out the SCS July Fan club gallery for her stunning creation. And to turn it blue and shrink it - who else but me?

The envelope is stamped to match...

Pam's Swap Goodies

Pam got this adorable card in a swap - the little elephant is on a slider - simple, beautiful.


Here is my response to Beate's sketch challenge (with a nod to Bruce Willis of course - anyone seen the new Die Hard movie?) I dig the new color combo at the front of the catalog so I thought I'd give it a shot. Tell me what you think.

Friday, July 13, 2007


In a crazy week and before a crazy weekend, a great little block of time to play.

Here is my first attempt from the new catalog. Inspired by Jeanne S and BKeenan256 on SCS.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Where does the time go?

Why do I have to work? Why don't I have time to play with my new stuff? These are the questions that torment me today. So I give you a gift card holder and a *sigh*.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

OMG - it's here!!!!!

It's here! My new catalog order! I've been drooling over everyone else's fun, and now I have my stuff! I didn't get home till 9 tonight, so no cutting, no organizing, NO STAMPING - probably until the weekend. This working )(*#^$&^ is for the birds!! But I'm so happy it's here!! Stay tuned! Samples to follow!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

How to say Thanks in Pink

It hasn't rained for like 15 minutes. So this will be my last post of the weekend. I need to run outside and harvest mushrooms and walk and feed the monkeys and parrots that have sprung up in the rainforest I like to call Austin. This is a thank you I made today. The little purse holds a Starbucks gift card and will be surrounded by candy in the can.

Beate's Sketch Challenge

Fun! Click the image to see the glitter better.
For a tutorial, click Beate's blog in my
Links section (right) She's a genius!!

Espresso Art

Wow - I made my espresso drink this AM and look what appeared in the foam????? I mean, look what I was skilled enough to create in my cup? ;) A perfect little heart right in the middle.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Rhinestone Cowgirl

Shiny + new = happy girrrrlll... The photo doesn't really do the sparkly rhinestone justice..

Today's inspiration.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Baby Blue Accordion Book

This is an oldie but a goodie. I just love the baby blue with the black & white pictures. Who am I kidding? It's blue.